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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Red Eye" - The Album Leaf

Taken from the album 'Into The Blue Again'.

Cafe Kino

A lovely full hearted breakfast without the meat trimmings can be found at Cafe Kino, just off Stokes Croft, Bristol UK. A playlist of delight accompanied me. (Photo: S.Astill)

"Dangerzone" by Clor

Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts IV - 34. Video by Trumbernick.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tim Roelof

Tim Roelof's Art:

VJ James Bragg (James Bragg) | MySpace

My Photos | dent du midi | VJ James Bragg

Call me TrumbernicK

Monday, April 05, 2010